Manual in final phase
22 July 2024

The production of the new manual on the Dutch clay tobacco pipe that we reported on last July (see July 5, 2023) is nearing its end. More than two thousand photos have now been laid out so that they create a nice rhythm throughout the book. We are now working on the last references in this opus magnum before it can go to the printer. The exact date of publication is still open. Producing a voluminous book always proves to take more time.
PermalinkPipes of Mengelberg
20 July 2024

Willem Mengelberg, conductor of the Concertgebouw Orchestra for fifty years before the war, was also a dedicated pipe smoker. As a reminder of this illustrious conductor, his smoking chair still stands in the concert hall. Today a grandniece of Mengelberg presented us with a group of pipes that belonged to him. In addition to his beloved Peterson pipe, we chose the typical local shapes that were popular in Switzerland at the time. These are pipes that were kept in his house Chasa Mengelberg in Zuort, Switzerland. They are an appropriate addition to our twentieth-century briars, especially because with their Swiss twist they are unexpected and unique in design. Interestingly, these pipes were produced in Germany, Switzerland and France.
PermalinkEnd of French Period
14 July 2024

Clement Pressé's internship is over, so he returned to Northern France this week. Never before have we let an intern go with such reluctance. After more than two months of intensive work for our museum. A fast learner with an exceptionally practical insight who optimally developed into a popular guide for our museum. He also got to know the ins and outs of the museum. His greatest talent, however, is presenting to the public, also on video. That is why we have produced a series of films, subtitled by Clément, which can now be seen on our own YouTube channel. In this way, this intern remains virtually connected to the museum for a while. See:
Website now in French language
7 July 2024

Our website was available in Dutch and English from the start. Other languages were a wish, but not a reality. This will change with our French-speaking intern Clément. He translated the main pages in a month, the rest will follow in the coming weeks. Fortunately, Clément is handy enough with computers to be able to upload the text to the right place within our own CMS. Hopefully this language switch will encourage French, Belgians, Canadians and many others to visit our museum.
PermalinkDutch porcelain paintings
6 July 2024

A commendable article by ceramics expert Adri van der Meulen appeared in the publication Vormen uit Vuur number 255 this month. It concerns porcelain objects painted in the Netherlands with special decors, mainly intended as occasional goods. The publication outlines the framework within which this happened, using numerous objects as examples. The stummels painted on request are also included, mostly with professions. Some of these come from our collection. The article is a new addition to the better understanding of these curious objects painted on request.
PermalinkCarved wooden tobacco box
1 July 2024

This elongated tobacco box has the same model as the traditional Dutch brass tobacco boxes from the second half of the eighteenth century. The form and design is also based on this. On the lid we see three medallions with figures surrounded by Louis XV motifs. The performance is a bit folksy, but done with panache. The outer edge shows a series of connected classical buildings. You would hope that they could be identified, but unfortunately that is not the case. What makes this well-preserved box so intriguing is that its meaning, known to everyone at the time, now appears to be a mystery. It is certain that such boxes were made in series, but where and when exactly is not even known. With extra attention in the coming months, we will hopefully learn a little more about the background of this attractive box.