A loan to Antwerp
18 January 2015

Our extensive internet database makes our collection worldwide accessible. We do notice that in the daily stream of emails as a reaction on the database. Also museum colleagues check our website, as we experienced by a loan request form Antwerp. For the exhibition Holy Places, Holy Books the curator of the MAS found a tobacco box in our collection with a decoration of the sacrifice of Abraham. This beautiful carved box has been shown to thousands of visitors in Antwerp and returned home this week. We acquired this box for its artistic quality, for the known pedigree and even the known maker. All this didn’t count for this exhibition, it was shown just for the religious decoration.
PermalinkNews about our outpost
11 January 2015

The exhibition in the Open Air Museum Arnhem closes down today. In 2004 the Dutch Open Air Museum in Arnhem, the Netherlands created a wonderful smoking room exhibiting 200 special pipes from our collection. The setting was great with three comfortable Chesterfield sate, where you can watch a video of Don Duco passionately talking about the variety in smoking pipes. Ten thousands of visitors have seen this collector's cabinet in Arnhem in the past years. Despite the success the Open Air Museum decided to close down this pavilion on 11 January 2015, in order to create a new presentation - this time without pipes. Our pipes will return home to the museum in Amsterdam.
PermalinkA new result in digitation
8 January 2015

This month we have sent a press bulletin about a top achievement in our online database. Recently the 25.000th item was added on our web-database on www.pipemuseum.nl. This means that 80% of the collection is online and fully searchable. Certainly we will finish the last 20% in course of time, the last bit of a major project, being the archaeological collection. Finally, but not earlier than in two years, we will update the oldest photos giving these the standard gray background. Take a look at www.pipemuseum.nl.