Exhibition head-hunter pipes
16 November 2019

From our rich reserves, this time we have chosen a small group of pipes for a mini-exhibition, pipes of extreme rarity. They are made and smoked by the Naga, a mountain people living in the far east of India. They are quite an aggressive people, even head-hunters. The brave warriors receive a pipe with a row of puppets on the stem, in the number of the victims beheaded by them. Another characteristic is that the pipes of this people show a stylized portrait as a pipe bowl, all carved in wood. After 1900, the British authorities in India try to ban headhunting. Eventually, the habit turns to beheading local monkeys called gibbons. It is therefore not surprising that some dolls look more like monkeys than people. Until 18 January 2020, the pipes will decorate the exhibition showcase in the middle of our museum. At the same time, curator Don Duco wrote an article about these remarkable pipes, which can be read in the publication list on our website.
PermalinkMuseum Night now open!
2 November 2019

On the canal, the Amsterdam Pipe Museum is clearly marked with bright purple lamps on the facade, so visitors know where they are welcome. Until 2 o'clock tonight we are open to all those who have been able to get a passe-partout.
Equipped with flashlights, visitors go on a discovery tour through our museum during Amsterdam #Museumnacht. A real scavenger hunt has been set out with the assignment to find the real pipes with the pictures. On the handout you can read what that exactly is. This way you get to know the oldest, longest or most exclusive pipes in the world. Photographer Joep made beautiful photos on behalf of Museumnacht - thank you for that. They will remain in our archive for generations to come.