Reservation Museum Night
26 October 2022

Museum Night Amsterdam will take place this year on Saturday 5 November. Ticket sales will now start, exclusively online as it should be in these times. Anyone familiar with the Museum Night phenomenon knows that the 33,000 tickets are sold out in no time. The Amsterdam Pipe Museum is one of 60 locations this year. So be quick to get a ticket in order to admire a painting by Van Gogh as a special attraction and have yourself portrayed with a pipe in the style of the master painter.
PermalinkPortal enlarged with new photos
24 October 2022

For a long time it was silent about our initiative of the, the website in which the collections of several museums in the world can be viewed and searched as a whole. But today there is news: a museum collection has been added. And not just any one, a collection of world fame, but still unknown. The municipal museum of Saint-Omer in France has, hidden and unpublished, a unique collection of pipes. The factory showroom of the Duméril company was preserved after its closure in 1884 and was donated to the local museum in 1909. For the first time, these pipes are now widely presented. We have taken thousands of photos of these figural pipes and are now creating more awareness. More than 800 of the total of 1700 pipes are now in the portal. Come and see!
PermalinkMuseum depot shop has come to an end
18 October 2022

In recent years, we have actively supported the Museum Depot Shop initiative by contributing all kinds of objects that did not fit in our museum. In doing so we have created physical space but also obtained a budget for new purchases. Unfortunately, the Museum Depot Shop announces today that it has to close due to bankruptcy. That is a major blow for us, because the sales of the past few months still had to be settled. It is a pity that from this special initiative our foundation is now left with a sour aftertaste.
PermalinkAcquired collection of archaeological finds
14 October 2022

It doesn't happen that often anymore that something comes on the market in the field of excavated clay pipes. Logical, parceling of land for new construction rarely takes place and digging for pipes is prohibited in many cities. It is therefore gratifying that we were able to purchase a collection of more than a thousand excavated pipes from a Gouda digger who was very active in the 1980s. Today the material has been moved to our storage. The finds will be checked in the coming weeks, but it is already certain that many new specimens will be included in our reference collection.
PermalinkLooking back to 500 years of the discovery of America and tobacco
9 October 2022

For now a little bit of nostalgia. Today, October 9, it is exactly thirty years ago that the largest exhibition on smoking ever opened in the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam. With generous sponsorship from the tobacco industry, yes that was just possible at the time, 500 years of tobacco culture opened. For the record: 1992 was exactly 500 years after the discovery by Columbus. Without a doubt the most beautiful tobacco and smoking exhibition ever held in the Netherlands. Even at that time our museum provided a large number of loans. It became the last exhibition in which smoking still seemed to have a positive aspect. The world has now changed, tobacco use now only has a bad smell. This is also noticeable in the museums: exhibitions on this theme hardly occur anymore.
PermalinkUnique stoneware pipe in auction
8 October 2022

Today, Metz auction house in Heidelberg is auctioning one of the rarest tobacco pipes imaginable and perhaps also the most expensive. It is a pipe of so-called Böttgersteinzeug made in the year 1712, entirely according to the shape of the Gouda quality pipe of that time. This pipe is the link between the Gouda clay pipe and the start of the famous porcelain factory in Meissen. It is unique that a porcelain factory in the making relies so heavily on the merits of the Gouda pipe. With a estimated price of no less than 40,000 euros, this special object remains out of reach for most enthusiasts.