Amsterdam drawings from the 18th Century
16 November 2017

This magnificent drawing of a group artists, sitting in the towing boat heading for Haarlem, is a joy for any pipe aficionado. It was done by the Amsterdam based artist John Greenwood in 1759. If you take a closer look you can see that the pipes they smoke are not the standard Gouda pipes, but these are longer specimen. With the extra long pipes these gentlemen could stand out above the average smoker. This drawing is now part of a fine exhibition in the Amsterdam City Archive. Our museum provided the exhibition with such a oversized clay pipe to make the image more lively. The transport of a fragile 80 centimeters long pipe was a risk, but we passed the challenge. On view till 14 January 2018.
PermalinkMuseum Night 2017
4 November 2017

#Museumnachtamsterdam in the #AmsterdamPipeMuseum had as theme: Sherlock Holmes. This iconic pipe smoker with his characteristic calabash pipe was present in person in our museum. He explained the visitors what marvels can be discovered in the permanent exhibition. The encounter and discussions with Sherlock in his costume showed that the exceptional late opening hours were highly appreciated. In the same style the bar offered English lager and ginger ale. Besides, we could take some fine pictures, shown in this album.