Article about two luxurious pipe bowls
30 January 2020

This month, the first article by Don Duco in this year is published on our website. Two wooden pipe bowls of a special shape are discussed, both with luxury silver mounting. These are pipes made of burl wood, in the style of the German city of Ulm. One of the pipe bowls shows silver figures in Turkoman style on the lid. In this article, the curator discusses the origin of this specific pipe shape and the method of manufacture. And not to forget the special type of wood, of which the original Dutch name was lost for many years. It is sought and sawed especially for these German pipes. Read the article and experience how the author comes to new conclusions through careful looking and comparing. Again it becomes clear that there is much more to say about each type of pipe than it often seems. In this way, our collection constantly offers new perspectives.
PermalinkExpo acquisitions 2019
20 January 2020

Traditionally, we annually show a selection of acquisitions from the past year. 2019 was particularly successful again with 360 purchases. The largest group is a collection of Congo pipes, of which we now show three fantastic examples with standing negro figures in the pipe stem. North America is represented with two beautiful Indian pipes of red pipestone, a sacred stone for the Indians. In addition two rare Inuit pipes, a wooden one and a pipe carved from walrus tusk. Of European origin are some very refined hand-sculpted ceramic pipes with lifelike portraits. Also chosen to display are some European snuff boxes with carving in coquilla nut or wood. Finally, of exceptional charm, a wooden figural pipe with a lion and a griffin brotherly side by side, from the Paris antique trade. Come and admire the choice of the acquisitions themselves, they will be displayed in the exhibition showcase in the museum until 15 March.