Happy 2022
24 December 2021

The staff and volunteers of the Amsterdam Pipe Museum wish all visitors to this site a happy and calm Christmas, but above all a healthy 2022. The past year was another extreme year for the museum, with less than ten percent of the normal number of visitors and a correspondingly bad result for the museum shop. Fortunately, we have been able to achieve great results, for example by renewing this website. So many pages, stories, beautiful selections from the collection have been added and everything multilingual. We hope that the web visitor takes advantage of the possibilities and enjoys it immensely!
PermalinkThe umpteenth lockdown
13 December 2021

As of today, our museum is closed to the public again. It is no surprise that a new lockdown, the third one, was imminent, as announced until mid-January 2022. Another setback for our museum because the period around Christmas and New Year is a pleasant month, usually with many visitors. A time for buying presents, so the turnover for our shop will be none. Even our Christmas decoration will remain untouched again this year.
PermalinkOpium dampers
9 December 2021

This month the magazine Tribale Kunst (Tribal Art) published a richly illustrated article about opium pipe bowls, also referred to as dampers. Based on our extensive collection of stoneware pipe bowls our curator shows an overview of these interesting ceramic objects. Although the shape is rather standard, the decorations in different colours of clay are very creative. They range from subtle bamboo twigs to elaborate poems in fine Chinese characters