Browse the documentation
Books on historic pipes
Selection from the museum libarary of standard works and other books on historical smoking pipes
Catalogues clay pipes
Catalogues with the entire assortment of clay pipes, first in lithographs, later as photo books
Pipe makers' business cards
Collection of old and modern business cards of pipe makers from different countries
Catalogues briar pipes
Shape books to show the pipe maker’s range, either in black and white or in colour
Advertising pipe tobacco
Magazine advertisements for pipe tobacco from the 1980s-90s that convey a desired atmosphere
Pipe Tobacco Packages
Boxes and tins for the sale of pipe tobacco providing an overview of the old days’ brands
Advertising cigars
Advertisements for cigars range from promoting quality to cultivating a lifestyle
Advertising cigarettes
Cigarette ads from the 1950s to ‘90s focus more on lifestyle than on the product
Posters on smoking
A colourful series of posters announcing exhibitions in museums and events related to smoking
Colourful cigarette packs
A fascinating collection of cigarette packs from the Egyptian atmosphere to the beloved Virginia cigarette
Iconic briar pipes
Time-bound designs in briar from the period after 1950, between recognition and wonder
Ads for briar pipes
A colorful collection of advertisements for well-known and unknown pipe brands and pipe shapes
Stocks and bonds
Securities and bonds of factories and companies in raw tobacco, cigars and more of over a century
Pipe smoking clubs and guilds
Smoking together for pleasure or for the element of competition yields unexpected memorabilia
Pipe bags and pipe boxes
Something as simple as a pipe pouch and even a pipe box has more design than you might expect