Acquisitions on show
31 January 2018

A selection from the acquisitions of the past year can be seen from 2 February till 6 May in a special cabinet at the entrance of the museum. The year 2017 brought a surprising range of objects to broaden and deepen our collection. A highlight is a Haida pipe bowl of stone in the shape of a sitting eagle as we know it from the totem poles. Another special animal is a Chinese water pipe in the shape of a standing heron. A beautiful, extremely long tubular tobacco pipe set with brass nails comes from the Kinga tribe in Tanzania. It was smoked vertically and stuck out above the silhouette of the sitting smoker like a tall chimney. Closer to home are wooden pipes with a harlequin or a solemn bearded man, fine works of wood carving. It is clear that the museum collection is still gaining in importance by adding rare and exceptional objects.
PermalinkFirst acquisition 2018
23 January 2018

From old Dutch possessions our museum bought a striking and remarkable old tobacco pipe from the Batak tribe. This Sumatran people have been making impressive brass smoking pipes for almost two centuries in a lost wax technique. Characteristic is that they are made up of several parts, connected with a wooden plug. The surface of the brass is always decorated with fine geometric patterns, supplemented with some engraving. This is also the case with this tobacco pipe. A special feature of this acquisition is the high age. This is evident from the original, rather understated way the decoration is executed and especially from the fine and attractive patina, result of decades of untouched storage.