Duméril à Saint-Omer
26 August 2019

The luxury French town of Saint-Omer is not exactly on the route anywhere. That is why we drove separately for an appointment today with director Romain Saffré to see the unique collection of Duméril & Leurs pipes again. The pipe collection had been rearranged since our previous visit. The small pipe room of yesteryear was replaced by a real exhibition hall with beautiful sleek display cases. The pipes themselves are still a wonder to see. In forty years, this French factory has been able to perform the utmost in terms of design and execution. While most French pipe factories stuck to realism, Duméril created a fairy-tale atmosphere between romantic and bizarre in their designs. After visiting the presentation, we were allowed to open the drawers in the depot to view the reserves. Truly a unique ensemble and a very special department for a museum focused on ceramics.