Unexpected meeting
27 May 2018

Internet brings people together, we got the proof this weekend. The grandson of Henk van der Hoef, the most important Dutch pipe collector before World War II, was looking for more information about his grandfather. He actually found it on our website. Telephone contact was the next step and finally we met each other to exchange information. Since our museum owns a large number of pipes formerly owned by Van der Hoef, his grandson presented us some photo albums of the family, containing pictures of the pipe collection in situ. During the 1930’s the proud collector always carried a small album with pictures of his pipes, as a group and in detail. We appreciate the generous gift of Van der Hoef junior as an interesting documentation on this part of our collection.
PermalinkPipe smoking courses
1 May 2018

In contrast to the stressful cigarette smoking, pipe smoking is pre-eminently a calming activity. Relaxed enjoying a fragrant pipe tobacco is for many an ideal way to find rest and contemplation. But then it helps if you know how to handle your pipe, tamper and tobacco. Our smoking courses, which have been given for many years now, contribute to this well-being. During an evening-filling program course leader Benedict Goes makes the (aspirant) pipe smoker known with the tricks of the trade. How to enjoy optimally without inhaling? There are new dates on the program, the first one is already on Thursday 10 May. Enlist through our mail box info@pipemuseum.nl