Special acquisition
29 August 2018

Already in 1980, the Royal Pipe Factory Gubbels in Roermond, known for its Big Ben pipes, bought the closing company of Jean-Jacques Knoedgen in the place Brée in Belgium. From that inventory came a group of about 150 press moulds for making clay pipes. Renewed production was never realized. This month the Amsterdam Pipe Museum has bought these metal pipe moulds for out museum collection. A unique opportunity, because it concerns last set of pipe tools in private possession. The cleaning and cataloguing has started although it will take some time before the objects are included in our collection database.
PermalinkExhibition Silver Treasure extended
26 August 2018

The exhibition "The Silver Treasure" in which a series of silver smoking pipes from the bequest of Van Tienhoven-Van Ewijk are shown, is extended for success until the end of the year. The acquisition showcase that has been used for this attracts a lot of attention. Every visitor realizes that a silver pipe is an exceptionally luxurious object. This is underlined by the often artistic design. Only the critical pipe smoker also knows to note that a true smoking experience is not expected from metal, but yes, status is often a matter of comfort.
PermalinkTwo big jobs
15 August 2018

This spring and summer seemingly pass unnoticed. Behind the scenes, however, steady work is being done on two projects. The first is the registration of the Van Tienhoven collection. Studiously, more than 500 objects are described in our database on the computer. The second task is as big: the translation of our Dutch web-published articles to be placed on the new website next year. With the help of native speakers we are working on a completely English-language site on which, among other things, the articles of our curator are made accessible.
PermalinkTreasure guards in the news
4 August 2018

First Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad on 14 July, now Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool published an article entitled ”Treasure guards”. A young photographer has made a photo series of volunteers in smaller museums to show their passion for the collection. In a series of specialized collections, a pipe museum should not be missed. This nice listing is a good advertisement in both Rotterdam and surroundings and in Amsterdam. Undoubtedly this publicity generates new visitors.