Back in time
28 November 2013

Today we got the impression of being in a time machine, receiving a group of Russian Cossacks. As part of the commemoration of 200 years of the Kingdom of the Netherlands these Russian men and women took part in the re-enactment of the historic field battle of 1814 that chased off the French army of Napoleon. The Cossacks played an important role at that time, eventually not ending up in our history books. The Russian Cossacks escorted King William I in 1815 at his entry in Amsterdam, a city not at all as royalist as The Hague. A group of Cossacks in their early nineteenth century uniforms made a visit to the Amsterdam Pipe Museum, where we could inform them on the smoking habits and specific pipes popular at the time. With a pipe we selected for each of them, fitting to their rank and position, they posed for the photo. And finally it was time for a little smoke.