Museum advertisement
24 November 2024

It is well known that the small museums in the Netherlands are not doing so well this year. We are therefore pleased that our business partner IAmsterdam offered us an advertisement to bring our museum to the attention of foreign tourists. The glossy magazine is entirely dedicated to the 750th anniversary of Amsterdam that is being celebrated for a whole year and is distributed in all upper-class hotels. For the upcoming festive year more promotional activities are planned that will put the smaller museums in the spotlight.
PermalinkCollectors' fair Utrecht
17 November 2024

For decades a must for collectors: the collectors' fair in Utrecht. Because the old Jaarbeurs building was recently demolished, the event now takes place in a nearby exhibition hall. This has changed the atmosphere somewhat, but it is certainly no less professional. On the first day we always try to be there early, hoping to score some special items. That is not so easy. A nice find this year was ultimately a detailed painted porcelain stummel with a topographical scene, made by a well-trained painter in utmost concentration with his tongue between his teeth.
PermalinkSociety La Pipe
11 November 2024

Today we had a visit from the Student Corporation La Pipe, or at least the aspiring members. This student group comes from the Hotel School in The Hague, where an enthusiastic group of pipe smokers has been active for several years, supplemented each year with new students. Of course they were also interested in the Amsterdam Pipe Museum and the associated Pipeshop.
PermalinkAnother successful night
3 November 2024

It remains a unique event, Museum Night Amsterdam, where tens of thousands of young people are mobilized to visit museums in a single evening. This year, for the first time in years, we had more than 500 visitors in one night. Thanks to the help of the volunteers, that was manageable. Even the distribution over the evening went naturally. All these people were introduced to a museum they did not know yet, including some young people who literally look out onto our facade from their student rooms!
PermalinkPipe bowls with turquoise
1 November 2024

In the coming months, we will be showing two exceptional bowls of water pipes in our much loved central display case. They are the crowning glory of the water pipe, but in great luxury. In a particularly refined way, an abundant number of cut turquoises have been set into both bowls, which lightens up the pipe bowl and in fact the whole hookah. This work is typical of Persia in the second half of the nineteenth century, although the use of turquoise goes back to an older tradition of the Quajar dynasty. These unique water pipe bowls will remain on display in the central display case until the end of the year.