
27 mai 2020


Thanks to years of positive reviews on Tripadvisor, the Amsterdam Pipe Museum has regained a new status. We received the Travelers' Choice Award 2020. All locations listed on Tripadvisor are sorted by ‘rating’, with on top the five star category that visitors sometimes award. The award now received means that our museum is one of the ten percent highest rated attractions, worldwide! This exceptional achievement stems from the personal attention each visitor gets from our motivated team of tour guides. An achievement we are proud of!


Cracks in the walls

22 mai 2020

Cracks in the walls

The renovation of the first floor is now in full swing. Critical visitors may have noticed that the side walls had some stubborn cracks in the stucco. Under the supervision of a constructor, these were chiseled out this week, reinforced with steel plates and bricked again. Now that we are tackling this job, it is performed professionally for once and for all. What follows is plastering and painting. At the same time, the beamed ceiling of the main room has been restored. Another two weeks of work and then the museum floor will be in mint condition again. Ready for a new flow of visitors.


Photo week silver

18 mai 2020

Photo week silver

Earlier we reported about the photography that is more successful than usual due to the Covid-19 lockdown. After photographing the acquisitions and all kinds of tools, it is now time for the last portion for this spring session. It concerns the final part of the silver bequest, in particular the part that has been restored so that it can now be shown on camera in shiny condition. In addition to removal of dents and marks from all kinds of accidents in the past, objects have been polished and, if necessary, provided with a replacement mouthpiece. Repairs that greatly contribute to the splendid end result. After the actual photo making, the photo editing is the next step: cropping, optimizing the position, checking for color and removing irregularities. All in all a great job, but with a unique result that will soon be visible worldwide. In a few weeks, the material will be available to everyone on the internet through


Vote for Don !!

10 mai 2020

Vote for Don !!

Part of the prestigious European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Prize is the additional public choice award. This is a cash prize that goes to the project or person most valued by the audience. Everyone can vote via the Europa Nostra website. It is not without reason that we have notified all our relations to cast a vote. Although the competition from all over Europe is fierce, it would be nice if we win. Especially in these harsh corona times, now that all other forms of revenue have disappeared, this cash prize would be a welcome addition to our financial position.


Prominent in Het Parool

8 mai 2020

Prominent in Het Parool

Yesterday, after it was announced that our museum in the person of Don Duco will receive the Europa Nostra Prize, journalist Edo Dijksterhuis wrote a generous article about our museum for the metropolitan newspaper. A good interview with the laureate, including photos in large size. What is special is that this award provides yet another breakthrough: after being active in Amsterdam for 25 years, we are finally prominently featured in Het Parool.


Video of the laureate

7 mai 2020

Video of the laureate

A short video was made for the nomination for the Europa Nostra Prize / European Heritage Award. It presents the life's work of Don Duco and the person himself. Cleverly made, using an old film fragment and a series of photos combined with new video material. See for yourself how the jury presents the laureate and click here.


Europe Nostra Award 2020

7 mai 2020

Europe Nostra Award 2020

HURRAY!! Today it was announced that Don Duco is awarded the European Heritage Prize / Europa Nostra Prize in the category "long-term commitment to culture", otherwise called dedicated service. Don Duco has indeed worked with incredible discipline and persistence for fifty years on the result that is now achieved: museum, study collection, huge documentation files, the website with the entire collection online. What Europe Nostra particularly appreciates is the new website Don has initiated to bring together several museum collections across Europe in one single database. Available at Europa Nostra, is the federation of heritage associations in all European countries. So this news is really spreading from Iceland to Cyprus!


A week with moulds

6 mai 2020

A week with moulds

Anyone who has been following our news items for some time may know that once in a while a message with this title comes along. It means that we will be working on cleaning the collection of brass or iron pipe moulds for another week. Not the most exciting job, although it also has something of an unexpected holiday because it is different from all the other tasks. Many of the pipe moulds, of which we have more than 1,000, have not been used for a hundred years or more and have even rarely been taken out of their storage. This means a lot of dust, corrosion and deposits, in other cases still leftover clay or petrol from production. Before the moulds can be photographed, it is necessary to clean them. This time we managed to refurbish 80 new copies and pass under by the camera. In this way, a nice piece of new information comes on the web, while at the same time a piece of overdue work has been done. Once or twice more ‘a week with Moulds’ and the entire collection is online!


Don Duco nominated for European Award

1 mai 2020

Don Duco nominated for European Award

The curator of the Amsterdam Pipe Museum, Don Duco, is one of the nominees from all over Europe for the European Heritage Prize, awarded annually by Europa Nostra. Associations and foundations from all EU countries were able to nominate exceptional initiatives and individuals with a great track record for this award. From this, an international jury selects the winners, in various categories: successful restorations of monuments, exemplary educational projects on heritage and people with personal merit. Don Duco is one of them. Now we wait to see what the outcome will be.
