An impressive Easter egg

31 mars 2024

An impressive Easter egg

The egg that we exhibit around Easter is one of royal class. Firstly the size: 22 cm. high. Point two: silver mounting, even with a double band halfway that enables the top half to open as a lid. For those who do not realize it is a tobacco jar, made by the Dutch silversmith Jurriën Schiff, just before the turn of the last century. He used a real ostrich egg as the starting point for his unique tobacco pot. Mounting wondrous objects from nature is a tradition that dates back to the sixteenth century, when monarchs established a Kunstkammer or Cabinet of Curiosities with these types of rarities. This impressive unique piece can now be seen in the Amsterdam Pipe Museum.


Museum week starts

30 mars 2024

Museum week starts

Today the Dutch Museum Week 2024 starts, March 30, so lend your Museum Card to a friend, neighbor, your children or anyone you want. Then someone else can also experience how unexpected, fascinating or inspiring a visit to museums is. Recommend in the first place the Amsterdam Pipe Museum, which is in the best-rated top 10 in Tripadvisor!


Pre-announcement Museum Week

23 mars 2024

Pre-announcement Museum Week

Once again this year you can use someone else’s Museum Card to go to a museum of your choice. The Museum Card is a personal card, hence the portrait photo on it. But from March 30 to April 6 you can borrow someone else's card and visit museums for free. That is the campaign of Museum Week 2024. Make use of this temporally offer, also by lending your card to a friend. We hope that many visitors will then choose to visit the Amsterdam Pipe Museum.


Tobacco back on the shelf

12 mars 2024

Tobacco back on the shelf

Good news for the pipe smoker well before spring. Pipe tobacco is back on the shelves in our museum shop. After we sold out the stock during the corona period, we have no longer purchased new tobacco. Now that clients to the museum shop is back on track, it is time to get our pipe tobacco range in order. According to the current rules: neatly in a locked cupboard. As a visitor you don't see the tobacco, but it is available! Don't hesitate to ask.
