Filming for Dutch TV
22 août 2017

Today a film company for Dutch television made their recordings for a popular program on interiors of remarkable houses. Our building was filmed from the attic to the basement showing how working and living in a canal house can be. Four hours filming for eight minutes of television – that’s how it is. Broadcasted on 2nd October on Dutch TV channel 2. Maybe it will give new visitors?!
PermalinkVisitors give Tripadvisor Award
11 août 2017

Just like last year social media platform Tripadvisor rewarded the Amsterdam Pipe Museum this year an Award for excellent service. We thank our visitors for their positive feed-back that form the base of this recognition. August proves to be the busiest month, as we have noticed for a few years now. Over the past years visitor numbers in August were just over 50% more than the average per month; this year we counted even 63% increase. Our own observation is that so many of our visitors are youngsters. About 2/3 of the visitors is under 30 years of age.
PermalinkGerman tobacco publicity in Dutch taste
5 août 2017

Recently we could buy from a antiquarian in Cologne a series of tobacco wrappers of German tobacco, dating from the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Rarely such inconspicuous printing matters have been preserved, but they give an important view on the tobacco trade and publicity. Striking to see how much influence the tobacco trade from Holland had on German tobacco wrappers. Over a dozen of these pictures are based on Dutch brands, displaying the connection between these two cultures.
PermalinkAgainst discolouring
4 août 2017

Being housed in an historic building demands permanent maintenance. This week the windows of the library got a new protection against UV radiation. There was a reflecting foil for many years already, but this needed replacement in order to guarantee the protection from discoloration of our specialist book collection. Thanks to recent development of the best materials we have full light protection of the incoming sun. Hopefully our heirs over a generation or even more will be thankful.