Pipe Museum and Bach’s tobacco cantata on TV

15 mai 2017

Pipe Museum and Bach’s tobacco cantata on TV

The second episode of the new program Museumstukken (Museum items) on local and regional television, covers the Amsterdam Pipe Museum. Apart from a short tour along the collection by Midas Meester and Benedict Goes we see something special: a performance of the Tobacco Cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach. Elma Dekker sings this very appropriate song, accompanied on clavichord by Laurens de Man.


Thirty years ago

5 mai 2017

Thirty years ago

Today it is exactly thirty years ago that English pipe collectors and researchers from the Society for Clay Pipe Research (SCPR) visited Holland. The program listed a visit to our museum at that time in Hof Meermansburg in Leiden, next to a trip to Gouda. One of the highlights was a visit to museum De Moriaan (blackamor) exhibiting the history of the Gouda pipe. The same day we also visited the workshop for modern ceramic pipes of Adrianus van der Want. Two topics that do not exist anymore. What remains however, are the pipes donated to our museum collection found in Bristol and made by Richard Ring. These items still can be found in our reserve collection. One of them is illustrated here.
