Metadata week

16 octobre 2020

Metadata week

An important, but invisible aspect of creating a new website is guaranteeing good findability. To this end, you can add keywords to pages, the so-called metadata. For a week we did nothing but enter these words that are invisible to the web visitor. Just hope they will serve you well later. After that we quickly exchanged this virtual world for the reality of all the other work, such as emails and collection management.


Promotion by Amsterdam&Partners

3 octobre 2020

Promotion by Amsterdam&Partners

Clever Instagram action by Amsterdam city marketing department, aimed at local residents to get them to the museums. See also: thuisinams uitinams hoegaathetmet museum pipemuseum amsterdampipemuseum. You swipe between four photos of our museum and read in a short quote what a visit looks like, what you can learn and why you mùst visit Amsterdam Pipe Museum. Looks nice! Hope many people will see and share it. Take a look for yourself at this link.


End of anniversary year

1 octobre 2020

End of anniversary year

When we reached the milestone of our 50th anniversary on October 1, 2019, we were full of energy to make it a real festive year. Memorize what we have achieved in half a century in terms of the expanding collection, unexpected research, the beautiful museum. And repeatedly giving press impulses to put the Amsterdam Pipe Museum better on the map. Unfortunately, all those plans were disrupted by Covid-19. Fifty weeks later, only the diaries that Don Duco wrote as mementos of memorable feats of arms will still recall the festive year. All public activities were canceled due to Covid restrictions. Our museum has to wait with the other Dutch museums for new opportunities once the virus has passed away. Only then a normal way of life will give room for culture again. So please be patient.
