Corona to be continued

30 mars 2020

Corona to be continued

Although it was decided on 11 March to close the museums for a short period until the end of March, things turned out differently. For the time being, the Dutch museums will remain closed with the option to reopen on 1 June next. In the meantime we have made internal plans to renovate the exhibition space so that the period of closure is in any case used in our advantage. When we reopen in June, the museum will have had a facelift if all goes well.


The last Dutch pipe factory

25 mars 2020

The last Dutch pipe factory

The renowned factory of Big-Ben pipes, also known by its own name Gubbels, is located in Herten in the vicinity of Roermond. As everyone knows, sales are not going well and so is the production of pipes. Due to the anti-smoke, there are fewer smoking moments, in many places smoking is no longer allowed at all. Inevitably, it is time for Big-Ben to move to a smaller location. Today we visited the factory to see if there was any historical material suitable for our museum. We had an open and honest conversation about the past and the future, with the previous generation also taking a seat. Then a tour around the company, which really is a model of orderliness and efficiency. After returning home a head full of impressions, also a few boxes with old and new pipes and other material for our collection.


23 mars 2020

With the museum and the museum shop closed, we focus on another sales channel: the MuseumDepotShop. This website offers objects that museums want to get rid of or in the official wording: deaccessioning. Our collection originated from archaeology. Founder Don Duco not only collected pipes, but also archaeological finds of all kinds. We now know that they do not fit into the pipe collection and now it is time to clean them up. The webshop offers a wide range of finds, from pots and vases to glass beads, leather shoe soles, tin toys and much more. Interested? Visit and sign up for the newsletter. The proceeds from this activity will go to our acquisition fund.


Documentation about pipes

21 mars 2020

Documentation about pipes

A important task outside the public eye is keeping the documentation on the theme of pipes and tobacco. Throughout the year, each newspaper clipping, leaflet, magazine article or other printed matter is placed separately, with source and date. Once in a while, that stack must be ordered by theme and added to folders with the same topic. Really a job that you can postpone for a long time, because there is no time pressure. Now is the time to do during the Corona closure. With the museum closed, you can spread out and organize everything in peace. By doing so seven full working days of sorting passed, with great satisfaction as a result. The impressive cupboard wall with red storage boxes in the study has been updated to this day. If you have something special for our pipe and tobacco archive while reading this, we are happy to recommend you hand it in!


Temporary closure of the Amsterdam Pipe Museum

13 mars 2020

Temporary closure of the Amsterdam Pipe Museum

Today, due to the risk of infection by the Corona virus, the government has closed all public institutions. The Dutch Museum Association has called on its members to follow this measure and to close the museum to the public. An unprecedented and never seen measure! Although the rule initially applies to places with more than 100 visitors, to which we do not belong, given our floor space, the Amsterdam Pipe Museum will also close its doors for the next three weeks, including the store. New messages will be announced.


Valued bequest of a smoker

4 mars 2020

Valued bequest of a smoker

Former politician and minister for Education Professor Jos van Kemenade died recently. He was well known to us as a dedicated pipe smoker and visited our store several times. Van Kemenade had a preference for striking pipes, preferably Danish designs. His son brought us a suitcase with his favourite smoking implements with his father’s wish to be given to our museum. We are allowed to make a representative selection of his purchases of brands or designs that are a good addition to our collection. The Vikings from the studio of Poul Winslow, tough freehands with their own style, were preferred by Van Kemenade. We also found attractive shapes by Ser Jacopo, Sir Nobile, Caminetto, Vauen and other brands. Curious is the pipe from 1989 that Van Kemenade was awarded as pipe smoker of the year. All in all, Jos van Kemenade's pipes provide a very nice time-bound and above all personal glimpse into the sense for fashion of a dedicated pipe smoker from around 2000.
