Memorial book APG
19 mai 2021

A gift was presented today by Anneroos Meyboom and Frans Brouwer, both former board members of the Pijpenkabinet Foundation. It concerns the anniversary book of the Amsterdam Pipe Smokers' Association, once founded in our museum. The circle has now been in existence for twenty years. An opportune moment for a limited edition commemorative book to capture the illustriousness of the society for posterity. A special asset to our library, the culture of pipe smoking is increasingly fading into the background. Photos of members enjoying pipe and tobacco bring back that atmosphere of yesteryear.
PermalinkCleaning moulds
17 mai 2021

This week an imaginary trip to the reserves of pipe makers’ tools to select dirty pipe moulds for cleaning. This year not with two but with four hands, with the help of an intern who quickly learns what cleaning means without destroying the patina of years. It wasn't difficult this year to select a portion of more than a hundred dusty molds for cleaning, next year it will be different. Most of the work has been done, so this sub-collection is now looking fine. After this weekend, a photo week will follow in order to make the results visible on the web. Then this heavy collection part can be viewed and studied all over the world.
PermalinkThe first museum visitors
7 mai 2021

Although the formal lockdown has still not ended, we received the first group of visitors today. It concerns six students from the Reinwardt Academy who were given a thorough tour along the museum collection by our intern Jesse. As part of his studies, he presented a heritage project in which he addressed an appropriate museum issue, namely the exceptional yet aesthetic design of our museum. The visit was lightly interrupted with a nutritious lunch.