Museum Week for everyone

27 mars 2023

Museum Week for everyone

The annual Museum Week starts on Saturday 1 April. If you have a museum card, you can visit a museum every day. But if you don't have a museum card, this is your chance! Ask family or friends who has a museum card and borrow it for a week. During Museum Week we are extra hospitable and we do not check whether you are the person in the photo on the card. So take your grandmother's or granddaughter's card and head out. Visit the museums you always had on your bucket list, such as the Amsterdam Pipe Museum.


Douwe Egberts twenty years ago

25 mars 2023

Douwe Egberts twenty years ago

Until 2003 there was a company museum on the factory site of the Douwe Egberts factory in Utrecht dedicated to their products: coffee, tea and tobacco. However, the company decided to liquidate this exhibition and offered our museum and several other museums the unique opportunity to take over parts of the collection. This transfer took place on March 25, 2003. No less than 366 pipes and countless tabacological objects ended up in a new museum setting. An important part of this transfer can still be seen in the permanent presentation of our museum. Even twenty years later, like the Naskapi pipe from eastern Canada depicted here.


Knowledge in motion

22 mars 2023

Knowledge in motion

Coincidence or not, the guild token that was exhibited in Bonn in recent months has acquired a new dimension. We received the grateful tip from an observant web visitor that this medal is incorrectly described. According to current information, it would be a membership sign of the tobacco merchant’s guild of Middelburg. The email we received about this revealed that there has been a guild in Aardenburg, Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Neatly with references to numismatic literature, it can be shown that our medal comes from there. The data is therefore quickly adjusted in our database. A good example of crowd-sourcing, knowledge added by the public. If you also discover inaccuracies in our database, please let us know. This is how our knowledge advances.


La ronde Bretonne

20 mars 2023

La ronde Bretonne

The content of the central honorary showcase in the Amsterdam Pipe Museum changes regularly. After the impressive six Kloben from Ulm, it is now the turn of one of the most cheerful pipes in our collection. It is a striking and large meerschaum pipe with carved figures in a wide circle around the pipe bowl. Look closely and you'll see happy families with children on their laps, some playing musical instruments, others singing, their legs dangling over the edge they're sitting on. Everyone is dressed in traditional Breton costume, hence the melodious name for this pipe: La Ronde Bretonne. The maker is the Parisian meerschaum carver Louis Lavisse, son-in-law of the famous Goltsche family. Come by yourself to admire this unique piece in real life!
