Again, Tripadvisor reward

18 novembre 2018

Again, Tripadvisor reward

Our visitors continue to rate the Amsterdam Pipe Museum very positively. This is reflected in the high ranking in Tripadvisor, but also in the Tripadvisor Award that we have received for the fifth years in a row. It turns out that visitors really notice it, it is a decisive factor in the choice to visit us. We will continue to amaze our guests with our exceptional collection and personal tours.


Acquisition in meerschaum

16 novembre 2018

Acquisition in meerschaum

Throughout the year are fixed moments that generate acquisitions. The annual Verzamelaarsjaarbeurs (collectors' fair) in Utrecht is such an event where something remarkable can always be found. This year we purchased a large meerschaum pipe bowl with a lion cut in high relief between the bowl and the stem. It seems that in this animal the Belgian lion is depicted and maybe this pipe was even made in Belgium. Meerschaum pipes still give a lot to discover, so that a somewhat broader study collection is desirable. This pipe bowl will therefore soon be shown on our online collection database under APM 23.901.


Pipeportal III

15 novembre 2018

Pipeportal III

The concept of our Pipe Portal is nearing completion. A new feature has now been added: articles on the web. In this section museums can present their illustrated publications in their entirety. This fulfils a long-cherished wish for our museum that was never realized within the old website, a multilingual version of publications. The first fifty articles have been put on the website in recent weeks. See for the result.


Scabious Museum Night

5 novembre 2018

Scabious Museum Night

In the Amsterdam Pipe Museum, Museum Night Amsterdam had a somewhat erotic touch on 3 November 2018. Several examples of frivolous and scabrous depictions on smoking pipes are in our museum, some a little hidden. During the Museum Night, these special objects are extra highlighted. As a special attraction, a central showcase offered a peep show on two special pipes that were recently acquired. These are impressive tobacco pipes from the African Balumbo tribe from Gabon. Both pipes have a length of at least half a meter and show as decoration a more than life-size, wood-carved vulva. At the time such remarkable pipes were smoked as fertility symbols.


Looking at Art

1 novembre 2018

Looking at Art

With Benedict Goes in the lead, the charming blogger Sandra Singh made a fascinating YouTube film about the Amsterdam Pipe Museum. In this way she literally brings the museum into the living room of a large group of people for whom a museum visit is not a habit. This mini-docu of 25 minutes has become a serious film with a beautiful overview of our varied collection. Follow this link: or visit (bottom of the page: museums of Amsterdam)
