Museum in the Museum Times
15 septembre 2015

The Museum Times is an informative blog on museums in and outside our country, written by an expat living in Amsterdam. The September issue featured an extensive article about the Amsterdam Pipe Museum. This happened after a visit of editor Elisabeth Joss, who was really enthusiastic about the house and its collections. Any publicity in such a special-interest online magazine is very important for our museum in order to reach those specific target groups.
PermalinkCongrats to Van Gogh
5 septembre 2015

The Amsterdam Pipe Museum congratulates – together with all other museums in town - the Van Gogh Museum with the opening of the newly built entrance building. All Amsterdam museums have offered Axel Rüger, director of the Van Gogh Museum, a sunflower with a personal message.
PermalinkPipes in Amsterdam City Centre
4 septembre 2015

The Sint Antoniesbreestraat is one of the oldest streets in Amsterdam and is provided with a series of twenty-eight showcases at both sides of the street. During the months September to November an open-air-exhibition will be organized of nine Amsterdam museums with a specialized and interesting collection. The Amsterdam Pipe Museum takes part in this project, as initiated by a local NGO that works for the well-being of the inner city inhabitants. Our museum is represented by a series of photos of the museum and its collection. A short introduction will point pedestrians in the street to our special museum.
PermalinkFull newspaper page for the Amsterdam Pipe Museum
3 septembre 2015

The publisher responsible for all the daily newspapers in the western part of the country printed a full-page article on the Amsterdam Pipe Museum. The exhibition on the pipes of Vincent van Gogh drew the attention, but there was enough space for an interview with Benedict Goes, a fine article on the museum collection and the archaeological research done by the curator. As always, the historic interiors of the canal house show very well in the photographs. We are curious to know if this publicity will attract more Dutch visitors the coming weeks.
PermalinkAmsterdam Pipe Museum presents unique exhibition
2 septembre 2015

Vincent’s passion for pipe smoking
One would think that all aspects of the work of the famous Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh have already been studied, but no one ever looked at the pipes he smoked. In the impressive collection of the Amsterdam Pipe Museum we discovered the pipes that match with seventeen of Vincent’s drawings and paintings. Among these there are six self portraits, in which we can see that Vincent, ardent smoker as he was, chooses other pipes in Holland than when living in France. A virtual exhibition on our website offers more background information, as well about his pipes as on his love for tobacco that he displays in his letters.
See:… (only in Dutch)
Vincent's passion for pipe smoking
1 septembre 2015

With the exhibition Vincent's passion for pipe smoking, the Amsterdam Pipe Museum shows the pipes that Van Gogh so often paints in his portraits and still life’s. In his work at least six self-portraits with a pipe can be found, which shows how fond he was with his tobacco pipe.
The pipe in Vincent's time
The museum has tracked down sixteen portraits and still life’s by Vincent van Gogh. The rich collection of the Amsterdam Pipe Museum offers sufficient material to find matching pipes. Sometimes these are clay pipes, which were still in general use in the 1880s, later he uses the more modern cherry wood pipe, which was popular in France at the time. Vincent only smoked a briar pipe, the wooden pipe that is still common today, in his last years of life.
In the museum until you can see the real pipes of the paintings until 12 December 2015.
In addition there is an elaborate presentation on this subject on our website.