Valued bequest of a smoker
4 mars 2020

Former politician and minister for Education Professor Jos van Kemenade died recently. He was well known to us as a dedicated pipe smoker and visited our store several times. Van Kemenade had a preference for striking pipes, preferably Danish designs. His son brought us a suitcase with his favourite smoking implements with his father’s wish to be given to our museum. We are allowed to make a representative selection of his purchases of brands or designs that are a good addition to our collection. The Vikings from the studio of Poul Winslow, tough freehands with their own style, were preferred by Van Kemenade. We also found attractive shapes by Ser Jacopo, Sir Nobile, Caminetto, Vauen and other brands. Curious is the pipe from 1989 that Van Kemenade was awarded as pipe smoker of the year. All in all, Jos van Kemenade's pipes provide a very nice time-bound and above all personal glimpse into the sense for fashion of a dedicated pipe smoker from around 2000.
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