Advertisements pipe tobacco
In the 21st century, tobacco advertising has almost disappeared, but how different was it in the last decades of the last century? Back then, each brand had its own strategy to retain customers. They did so by consistently radiating an atmosphere and lifestyle that would appeal to their smokers. For one brand this is travel & adventure, for another comfort & enjoyment. Dutch pipe tobacco brands have a strong tendency to emphasis the old Dutch traditions, by using long clay pipes and Delftware tobacco jars.
Many brands only lasted a few years to be replaced by new ones. In addition, on this page we also see big names that have been loved for several generations. A brand like Clan, the famous fudge tobacco is a well-known brand, or Voortrekker. Brands such as Sail and Amphora only became known later and with four mixtures each they were good for thirty years of steady sales. Gradually, the fine Dutch baai tobaccos were exchanged for Danish mixtures and a new range of tobacco brands was created. The enjoying smoker had come to know the new blends.
While leafing through a magazine you came across these full-page photos to dream away with the taste pleasure that this particular pipe tobacco would give you. So quickly to the store - that was exactly what the manufacturer intended!