Advertising for Peterson's
July 2016

Articles to create product advertisements are often testimonies of the time in which they were created. This pipe stand is a proof of this statement. It is made in two colours of nylon that are glued together in strips to form a support. The object dates from the 1960s when minimalism was the trend: transparent, super simple in construction, the most modern materials and optimally functional. Apart from the fact that this standard supported the item to be sold, it also advertised the brand name on the circle shape that is part of the design. We read the word Peterson's and the importance of the Irish pipe factory is underlined by also mentioning the distribution office in London. Although a wonderful connection with time was found with this standard, it contrasts strongly with the traditional appearance of the Peterson's pipes of that moment. Since the end of the nineteenth century, the tobacco pipes of this company had not undergone any change so that their traditional appearance looked old-fashioned on this modern display. In the shop window traditional and modern came together in an unexpected way, a conscious choice made by the manufacturer. Don’t forget that after a few years the display standard was replaced by a newer one, but the appearance of the good old Peterson's pipe did not change to this day.
Amsterdam Pipe Museum APM 22.114