New store name on the façade
30 September 2016

After painting the façade, the entrance of our museum and shop is provided with a new name. The old but popular Smokiana pipeshop has been changed for the new name: Amsterdam Pipe Shop as a logo above the door. It is bizarre for as a museum, but this logo may not be a permanent inscription, only a temporary one. At night the text is not allowed to hang, so we remove our name in the evening to hang it back the next morning. Municipal rules are strange. There used to be a cheerful flag, nowadays flags are not allowed anymore. In a later regulation the municipality forbade the letters Pipeshop on our sign so we had to remove these. At the same time, it is allowed nowadays to put your company name is separate letters, so that façades are destroyed with countless holes without mercy. We do not find this choice an option for our historic brickwork.
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