Shop advertising for Gambier
November 2005

Pipe factories of fame and reputation already had advertising material designed in the nineteenth century to increase their brand awareness among consumers. Store cards, printed cardboard cards have been an important medium in this regard. These are usually rectangular cards that have a hanging hole along the top edge. They were hung on a nail in the tobacconist's shop to encourage sales. This card is issued by the Gambier company and advertises their products. In addition to brand awareness for the clay pipe, the original product of the firm, the briar pipe is also mentioned which, although not produced by Gambier, is traded. Gambier took up this representation of related products in order to broaden the offer for the cigar shopkeeper and thus stimulate sales. Another article also contributed to this, namely cigarette rolling paper, the two main brands of La Croix being represented by Gambier. The design of the store card is unexpectedly plain. The texts are in a horizontal oval with the most crisp "PIPES GAMBIER" at the center. The corners of the field are filledd in with geometrically arranged vine leaves. The ivory-white background is printed with red and black, highlighted with gold here and there. Along the lower right edge we read the printer's signature. All-in-all a rare piece of nineteenth century advertising.
Amsterdam Pipe Museum APM 17.637
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