Colourful Belgian pipes
5 October 2015

From our museum collection we show a dozen of pipes with a special finish in colourful marble glaze. All examples are press moulded clay pipes with transparent glaze. A lot of speculation about these pipes is given. Writers thought that it is Whieldon ware from England and should date from the eighteenth century. The finish is however characteristic for two workshops in Belgium: Félix Wingender from Chokier and Jean-Jacques Knoedgen in Brée. This technique of glazing was their specialty. The pipes became much more attractive, although with that finish also the p[rice went up considerably. After the first baking the pipes were glazed and thereafter placed on a stand went into the kiln for a second time. Then it was important that the temperature was well looked after, when to hot, the glaze dripped of the pipe, when cooling down to fast the shine would disappear.
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