Impressive pipe factory
28 June 2021

Where pipe factories all over the world have to close their doors, downsize or even go bankrupt, the opposite happens at Chacom. This French briar factory, the oldest in the world, moved into new premises. They exchanged a dusty and damp factory space in the center of Saint-Claude for a fresh and modern building on the outskirts of the city. With 3,000 square meters there is enough space for efficient production units and the stock of turned but unfinished pipes. In addition, there is a lot of room for the company history with antique machines and advertisements. A must for every pipe smoker is a visit to the great showroom with beautiful videos of the production and history, but also the complete overview of their current range. There is also the nicest merchandising such as T-shirts and mugs with print in which the pipe plays the leading role. It is the impressive but perhaps also the last proof of the great history of the briar industry in Saint Claude. Congratulations to Antoine Grenard who took the initiative for this.
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