Finally the street pavement is renewed
29 September 2013

After eighteen months of building nuisance, partly blocked from the world by high fences, on the 27th of September the Prinsengracht is finally accessible again. The work executed was a major operation: the quay walls of the 17th century canal had to be renewed, including the foundations on 18 meter long concrete poles. In the meantime the water sewage, the gas and electricity network, it was all renewed. No wonder that we were stuck behind the building fences, inaccessible for motorized traffic, but also for bicycles and sometimes even for pedestrians. For weeks we could reach the museum only on a small temporary path made in the sand bank. Happily, on 27 September the fences were taken down and the new brick pavement of the street and sidewalks are open for all traffic. We are accessible again for our visitors and customers.
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