Royal pipe factory forever

22 novembre 2020

Royal pipe factory forever

The factory of the well-known Big Ben pipes was already awarded the Royal designation in 1972. But the once successful Dutch company went bankrupt in 2011. Declining sales due to the aging of the target group, the general anti-smoking mood, expensive man power, it all played a part. In the meantime, Elbert, the founder's grandson, has continued and has sought new income, for example in the production of pipe cleaners. These do not last as long as a pipe, generating a more regular sale. His Majesty – or someone on his behalf – has approved that Elbert's factory may continue to use the honorable title: The Pipe Manufacturer Gubbels established 1870. Hence the page with historical data can be found in the recent publication Met Koninklijke Allure (With royal alloy) listing all ‘purveyor to the royal household’.

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