Donation in kind

Individuals who own pipes or other pipe smokers’ accessories are welcome to donate these to the museum. This form of a gift is called a donation 'in kind', as opposed to a donation in euros. It is precisely these kinds of donations that can be valuable to the museum, because objects tell the 'story of tobacco use' – especially if you still know who bought or used the item.

Finally, the curator determines whether a donated object is eligible for inclusion in the collection. This mainly depends on the condition of the object: original, authentic, complete, undamaged and whether it is an addition to the existing collection. Often the origin of the object plays a role, if it is known this increases the historical value.

Traces of use do not have to be an objection. This is especially true for smoked pipes. Even a modern, smoked wooden pipe can be of interest to the museum, because of the model, the brand or also because of the smoker.

By pipe smokers’ accessories we mean all objects related to tobacco use, such as a tobacco jar, pipe stand, snuff box, cigar box, etcetera.

Tobacco retailers who are still employed or retired may still have old product catalogues or promotional material. That can be important for museum preservation. Please do not hesitate to contact the museum for gifts in kind or the donation of objects.

For your donation you can receive a gift certificate with which you can get a tax reduction and thus also enjoy a benefit yourself, except for the satisfaction of contributing to cultural heritage.

For the benefit of the museum

If your donation is not of such quality that it deserves a place in the museum, we may decide to sell it for the benefit of the museum. Through our museum shop we ensure that the object ends up with a new enthusiast or collector. With a purchase in our museum shop, the enthusiast indirectly supports our museum colletion, while your donation ends up where it belongs: with a new enthusiast. In this way, none of our cultural heritage is lost, no matter how common the object may be.

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