Numéro de la collection:

APM 15.637


pipes en écume de mer


pipe à tabac


sitting dog

Description :

Tobacco pipe made of meerschaum with cylindrical Hungarian bowl, round bottom without heel and rising stem with stub. Bowl undecorated. Mounting with gilded silver lid with sawn edge with alternating diamond shapes and dots, flat top on which a sitting dog, gilded silver stub ring with stem holder and large support eye. Lid and cuff ring each three silver marks. Original stem of wood with twisted piece inlaid with copper and a hexagonal piece with intarsia woodwork, buttons and limp, stem end with snap button. Original security cord with two tassels in three colours with flat top of braided silver wire.


Période 1820 - 1850


FourneauHauteur16 cm
Largeur5,4 cm
StemLongueur9 cm
Length total94 cm
Type de pipe tête de pipe
Forme de pipe Hongroise
Matérialécume de mer (en bloque) (pierre)
Couleurjaune marron
Other materialsargent (métal), corne de buffle (matière animale), bois
Oher techniquesdoré
Dernière touche gemonteerd
Traces of use gerookt
Région internationaleEurope de l'Ouest
PaysAllemagne (?)
Mark veld met stippen (ingeslagen, filtring, steelhouder)
CC (ingeslagen, filtring, steelhouder)
kruis in schild (ingeslagen, filtring, steelhouder)
Statut juridique
Date 1999
Ancienne appartenance Hertsberge, collectie Hugo Perquy, c. 1982-1999
Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet, permanente presentatie, zaal, vitrine 5, v.a. 2001.

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