Pipe finds in the Citadel of Antwerp

Don Duco

Original Title:
Pijpvondsten van de Citadel te Antwerpen

Année de publication:

Stichting Pijpenkabinet

Description :
Archaeological report about nineteenth century pipes found in debris layers of the Antwerp citadel.

Abstract: This article describes and interpretates a pipe find from the Citadel of Antwerp, Belgium. In a dump a large collection of pipe fragments was recovered, all dating from the second half of the nineteenth century. On the pipes in use during the nineteenth century a lot of information can be found in manufacturers catalogues published by the Pijpenkabinet under the title Century of Change, the European clay pipe, its final flourish and ultimate fall (Amsterdam, 2004). This find group is interesting because it confronts us with the pipes that were actually used by the soldiers in the Antwerp Citadel. They reflect what is known on the subject, but also inform us about the local taste of the smokers at that particular moment.

Fig. 4a
Fig. 8a.
Fig. 18.

Sorry we do not have an English text of this article available. See for the full text the Dutch version of our website.


The pipes can be classified as follows:

figural pipe bowls 32 ex. 8 %
embossed pipes
26 ex. 6 %
plain pipes 349 ex. 86 %
total 407 ex. 100 %


© D.H. Duco, Pijpenkabinet Foundation, Amsterdam - Holland, 2007.

1.       Pipe bowl shaped as the head of a man in historical dress, without heel and upgoing stem with stub. France, Givet, Firm J. Gambier, shape 766 Varlet, 1865-1885.

  1. Pipe bowl representing a man with moustache and large beard, turban on the head, so-called Jacob, upgoing stem with stub. France, Saint-Omer, Fiolet?, 1860-1890.
  1. Pipe bowl with beaker shaped bowl showing a figural head of a man with small moustache in a turban. Belgium, river Meuse region, 1840-1880.
  1. Pipe bowl with oval bowl with a human face with clowns hat and curling hair. Belgium, River Meuse region, 1840-1880.
  1. Pipe bowl showing a man with moustache and beard in two points, on his head a cylindrical fur hat. Belgium, Andenne, 1860-1880.
  1. Pipe bowl of a caricature man wearing spectacles and a pencil behind his ear, called Claude Ysabeau. Belgium, Andenne, 1870-1900.
  1. Pipe bowl in shape of a man's head with moustache and ring beard, on his head a ribbed bonnet. Belgium, Andenne, 1870-1900.
  1. Pipe bowl shaped like Leda and the swan. France, Lille, Gisclon, shape 453, 1860-1880.
  1. Tobacco pipe with so-called Duitser bowl, on the stem in relief sitting dressed monkey. France?, 1860-1880.
  1. Tobacco pipe with fluted figural bowl shaped like a fish with open mouth round the bowl opening. Belgium?, 1870-1890.
  1. Tobacco pipe with oval shaped figural bowl shaped like a boars head, the mouth at the beginning of the stem. Belgium or Gouda, 1870-1900.
  1. Pipe fragments with bowl shaped like a wine bottle, a hand holding the neck and a manchette in the stem. Belgium or Gouda, 1870-1900.
  1. Tobacco pipe with mellonshaped ribbed bowl decorated with leaves, the undecorated parts have been polished. France, 1870-1890.
  1. Pipe bowl with eight sided beaker shaped bowl flattened of and decorated with ornamental motives and small ribs on the base. Belgium, 1860-1890.
  1. Tobacco pipe with beaker shaped bowl with subtle rims and along the borders small rings on the bowl as well as on the stem, shape name Prusienne. River Meuse region?, 1860-1890.
  1. Pipe bowl with bowl with curved back in the style of the so-called borraine, decorations in relief of ribs. Belgium/France, border region, 1860-1890.
  1. Pipe bowl with oval bowl in relief Mercury and Neptune. The Netherlands, Gouda, Pieter Goedewaagen, 1870-1890.
  1. Pipe bowl with oval shape with pearl decoration. The Netherlands, Gouda, Pieter Goedewaagen?, 1870-1890.
  1. Pipe bowl with beaker shaped bowl, without heel, bowl on both sides a lion with tablets. Belgium, Grivegné, Antoine Trees, 1860-1890.
  1. Pipe bowl with oval shape with heel, so-called stompe, heel stamp 82 under crown. The Netherlands, Gouda, Pieter Goedewaagen, 1870-1890.
  1. Pipe bowl with the oval bowl cut into two parts, the top half way replaced. Heelmark ES under crown. The Netherlands, Gouda, Pieter Goedewaagen, 1860-1880.
  1. Pipe bowl with borraine or curved bowl. Border region Belgium and France, 1860-1890.
  1. Pipe bowl with curved bowl and heel, the base of the bowl decorated as an acorn. Heelmark AT. Belgium, Grivegné, Antoine Trees, 1860-1890.
  1. Mark JBN by Jean-Baptiste Nihoul, Nimy, Belgium, 1860-1880.
  1. Pipe bowl with so-called doetelknoop bowl, knob shaped heel and straight stem. Impressed on the lower part of the stem in intaglio GODIER PARIS. Belgium, River Meuse region, 1870-1890.
  1. Stub stemmed pipe in meerschaum in the Hungarian style with a cylindrical bowl, without heel and up going stem with stub. Undecorated. Germany?, 1860-1890.
  1. Fragment of a turban of a pipe bowl representing a Turk, meerschaum. Germany/Austria, 1850-1880.
  1. Pipe bowl in pipe clay as insert in a wooden pipe, the base rounded of to fit, 1850-1880.
  1. Tobacco pipe with figural bowl and up going stem representing a man with historical hat. France, Gambier, shape 766 Varlet, 1860-1885.
    Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet collections Pk 5.195b
  1. Illustration from a manufacturers catalogue: Tobacco pipe with figural bowl with up going stem and stub, representing Jacob from the bible with a moustache and a long beard. France, Saint-Omer, firm L. Fiolet.
    Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet collections Pk 5.756
  1. Tobacco pipe with figural bowl with up going stem and stub, presenting a public writer with spectacles. France, Gambier, shape 371 L’Ecrivain public, 1860-1890.
    Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet collections Pk 8.392
  1. Illustration from a manufacturers catalogue: Tobacco pipe with caricature head of a man strongly resembling a person named Claude Ysabeau. France, Gambier, shape 952 Hyacinthe, 1894.
  1. Illustration from a manufacturers catalogue: Pipe bowl representing Leda and the swan. France, Lille, Gisclon, shape 453, 1880.
    Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet collections Pk 726
  2. Illustration from a manufacturers catalogue: Tobacco pipe with beaker shaped bowl with subtle rims and along the borders small rings on the bowl as well as on the stem, shape name Prusienne. The Netherlands, Gouda, firm P. Goedewaagen & Sons, shape 65, 1890.
    Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet collections Pk 10.996
  1. Illustration from a manufacturers catalogue: Tobacco pipe with beaker shaped bowl with subtle rims and along the borders small rings on the bowl as well as on the stem, shape name Prusienne. France, Lille, Gisclon, shape 658, 659, 1880.
    Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet collections Pk 726
  2. Illustration from a manufacturers catalogue: Pipe bowl with oval shaped bowl decorated in relief Mercury and Neptune. The Netherlands, Gouda, firm P. Goedewaagen & Sons, shape 254, 1890.
    Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet collections Pk 10.996
  3. Illustration from a manufacturers catalogue: Pipe bowl with oval shape with pearl decoration. The Netherlands, Gouda, firm P. Goedewaagen & Sons, shape 55, 253, 1890.
    Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet collections Pk 10.996
  4. Tobacco pipe with oval bowl cut into two parts, the top half way replaced. Heel mark ES under crown. The Netherlands, Gouda, Pieter Goedewaagen, 1870-1885.
    Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet collections Pk 10.433c
  1. Tobacco pipe made of meerschaum with figural bowl showing the head of a Turk with moustache and turban, mounted with a silver lid and chain, a silver mounting round the stem. Austria, Vienna, 1840-1870.
    Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet collections Pk 17.134
  2. Tobacco pipe made of meerschaum with so-called stummel bowl with short stem in a moist trap, up going stem with buffalo horn mouthpiece. Germany, 1860-1890.
    Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet collections Pk 17.074


1. Don Duco, Vve. Hasslauer, successeur de Gambier, fabrikantencatalogus uit 1868 voorzien van een historische inleiding en verklarend naamregister, Leiden, 1987, p 20, shape 766 varlet.

  1. D.H. Duco, Century of Change, the European clay pipe, its final flourish and ultimate fall, Amsterdam, 2004, p 75.
  1. The insert of the mould closes over the text JACOB, a method not known from other factories.
  1. Robert Mordant, La pipe en terre d’Andenne et ses marques, Andenne, 1999, p 57.
  1. Duco, (Hasslauer 1868), Leiden, 1987, p 2, shape 371 L’Ecrivain public.
  1. Gambier Vve. Hasslauer de Champeaux & Quentin, (catalogue 1894), shape 952 Hyacinthe.
  1. Duco, (Century of Change), Amsterdam, 2004, p 52, shape 453, Leda. Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet Pk 726, planche 23, shape 453, planche 34, shape 543.
  1. Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet Pk 726, catalogue Gisclon, planche 37, shape 589 Rossignol.
  1. Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet Pk 10.996, Aarden-Tabaks & Sigaren-Pijpen Fabriek P. Goedewaagen & Zoon, catalogue c. 1890, shape 65.
  1. Duco, (Century of Change), Amsterdam, 2004, 192 p.

11.     Don Duco, 'Vondstrapport Stadsschouwburg Middelburg', Amsterdam, 2004.