La fondation
Benedict Goes
Original Title:
De museumorganisatie
Année de publication:
In general
Before the board is presented, here is a brief overview of qualifications within the cultural and museum profession that the board has been aiming for. By complying with the requirements set by the Ministry of Culture, the Museum Association and the tax authorities, the museum shows that it is a reliable, well-organized institution.
The history of the collection goes back to 1969, for quite a few years now, but for a museum with more than 30,000 objects it is actually a remarkably short period. With the growth of the collection and the opening to the public from 1975, it became necessary to structure the management. That is why in 1989 the Pijpenkabinet Foundation was founded, which immediately received the qualification 'Public Benefit Organisation ' (ANBI). This made it easier to apply for grants and to receive donations from museum patrons. Since 2012, the museum has been a Cultural ANBI, allowing donors to make use of the extra donation deduction under the Charity Act (Geefwet).
Over the years, the museum met more and more standards introduced into the museum world. The complete registration and extensive documentation of each collection item makes an important contribution to its value as a reference collection. For this reason, the museum received A-status within the Collection Netherlands in 1993. With this qualification, the Amsterdam Pipe Museum is the national museum for the smoking pipe and thus the benchmark for all possible pipes that are kept in museums and archaeological depots.
The Amsterdam Pipe Museum is of course included in the national Dutch Museum Register. This list of registered museums has been drawn up by the Dutch Museum Association to indicate that these museums meet the requirements of fair governance and good management. These requirements form a further elaboration of the more general internationally used museum definition of ICOM, the international umbrella organization. Furthermore, the board of the foundation works according to the guidelines of the Code for Cultural Governance.
The current board
The board of the Pijpenkabinet Foundation consists of three people. They determine the museum's policy in close consultation with the curator and monitor the finances. The board meets two to four times a year to exchange ideas. The board members are of course the most involved interested parties in the museum operations, which is why the meetings also offer space to discuss all aspects of the museum's work: the public function, the collection growth, the progress in digitization, new marketing initiatives and promotion.
The board is headed by the chairman, Antoon Ott LLM MA. He himself is director and owner of the company Artilaw, which advises institutions on a national scale on matters where art, culture and law meet. He has exceptional and highly valued expertise in this field.
Secretary and treasurer is Benedict Goes MA, who has been intensively involved with the museum for years and is the museum’s chief representative. As an art historian, he has wide experience in all forms of heritage, in the field of museums, archaeology and historic preservation. This comes in handy as he also manages the historic canal house of the Amsterdam Pipe Museum.
There has been a vacancy for a third board member for some time.
The most important advisor and indispensable force for the museum is curator Don Duco MA. He is the one who knows the collection like no other, is responsible for the registration of all objects and supplements the database every week with new photos, accurate determinations and information of both a factual and interpretive nature. In addition, Don Duco made his field of expertise known by publishing more than two hundred articles and more than ten books, including two standard works. None of the board members receive compensation for their efforts for the museum. They support the foundation with their knowledge, insight and experience.
Board list
Board members:
Don Duco MA, 1989-2005 art historian and archaeologist (LinkedIn) (wikipedia) (Europa Nostra-award)
Benedict Goes MA, 1989-present art historian and museologist (LinkedIn)
Edzard van den Clooster, baron Sloet to Everloo LLM, 1995-2006, lawyer
Frans Brouwer MA, 2006-2013 lecturer cultural entrepreneurship Erasmus University, Rotterdam / University Klagenfurt / various other universities in the EU (LinkedIn)
Anneroos Meyboom, 2006-2010 former probation officer, active in many areas of social interaction
Antoon Ott LLM MA, 2011-present lawyer / art historian, director Artilaw, consultancy for matters relating to art and law. (LinkedIn)
Bjorn Stenvers, 2012-2016 marketing expert at the Amsterdam Public Library, Amsterdam Marketing, Amsterdam Museums Association. (LinkedIn)
Margriet Lestraden, 1986-1992 Museum consultant South Holland
Prof. Jan Verwers, 1989-1995 director of the National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden
Prof. Willemijn Fock, 1989-1995 professor of applied arts at the University of Leiden
Job van Dooren MA, 1991-1993 Bureau Van Dooren en Partners
Prof.dr. F.L. Bastet, 1993-1996 emeritus professor of classical archeology, Leiden University
A.J. van Daalen Hakker, 1996-2003 head of visual arts department of culture, municipality of The Hague