20 octobre 2013

The Amsterdam Pipe Museum issued number 20 of our Newsletter, the newest in a long row half yearly news from the museum. This issue is dedicated to the modern tobacco pipe and to pipe smoking. We choose this theme because of the change of name of our shop, from Smokiana Pipeshop to Amsterdam Pipe Shop. This new name is more to the point and indicates clearly the relation between museum and shop.
Apart from the name, the assortment also changed a bit. We already had a wide choice of pipes, which we extended with modern briars from France, England, Ireland, Germany and Italy. The total number of pipes in our assortment has now grown to 2,500, a unique assortment in the Benelux and probably beyond. For the regular smoker we added various classic pipes, but also more luxurious, handmade pipes of Italian design for the more discerning smoker who can value a fine grain, an exclusive design and the ultimate finish. Hopefully the extension of our assortment will be a good reason for the pipe smoker to visit Amsterdam Pipe Shop again.
Read our Newsletter on: http://www.pijpenkabinet.eng/ and click Newsletter 20 in the upper left corner.
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