Numéro de la collection:

APM 22.071


pipes en écume de mer


pipe à tabac


meerschaum valve with cannon, token

Description :

Tobacco pipe made of meerschaum with a cylindrical bowl with an outstanding bowl opening, without a heel and a rising stem with a stub. Bowl underside an embossed shell motif with eight large flutes. Original mounting with silver valve cover with sawn air inlet around the edge consisting of a swinging sliver of laurel leaves, on the lid in high relief a cannon between two rectangular heaps of cannon balls, engraved in front of it between two laurel branches and a monogram with the initials "FDO". Lid can be opened with a steel spring that reveals an inner lid with a medal on the bottom of the French king with the "LOUIS PHILIPPE ROI DES FRANCAIS" circular lettering, on the base signature of the medallist "CAQUE F.", round the pins laurel branches. Family crest engraved in the lid with on the shield a lion to the left surrounded by three smooth shields, under a crown, at the base two swans, the clamping spring of the lid in the form of a curled snake, the eyes with rubies. Silver cuff ring with embossed branch with oak leaves, stem plate and stem holder. Original mounting with stem in ivory interspersed with buffalo horn with a twisted center piece with ivory flue, closed by twisted ivory knots, a stem plate in which a curved buffalo horn mouthpiece with knots. Halfway through a silver ring with a short chain with a silver snake with ruby's eyes.


Période 1830 - 1835


GeneralHauteur11 cm
FourneauHauteur7,6 cm
Largeur6,1 cm
StemLongueur9 cm
Length total46 cm
Type de pipe tête de pipe
Forme de pipe forme de calice
Matérialécume de mer (en bloque) (pierre)
Techniquetourné, coupé
Couleurblanc ivoire
Other materialsrubis (pierre), ivoire, corne de buffle (matière animale), argent (métal)
Dernière touche montage
Traces of use gerookt
Région internationaleEurope de l'Ouest
Mark vlinder (ingeslagen, dekselrand)
Statut juridique
Date 2015
Opmerkelijk is de schelp met acht knorren, gebruikelijker is een oneven aantal.
Medailleur Augustin Armand Caqué, 1793-1881.
Zilvermerk vlinder tussen 1819 en 1838 in gebruik als keurmerk voor kleine werken.
Amsterdam Pipe Museum, middenvitrine, 30 april - 30 juni 2024.

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