Numéro de la collection:

APM 20.664


pipes en écume de mer


pipe à tabac


resting hunters, silver stem with snake

Description :

Tobacco pipe of meerschaum with cylindrical bowl, outstanding bowl opening, lenticular bottom, ascending stem with disc-shaped stub. Bowl in relief two hunters resting against a tree, the right one sitting, the left one standing, a rifle at his feet, on the right some trees. Bowl underside in relief continuing on the stem underside in a drop-shaped field a bundle of flutes. Original mounting with silver cover ring surmounted by a domed clip cover with openwork Gothic tracery, silver stub plate with two silver hallmarks, engraved in the center a crown with "NO." and right "16". Original stem with conical straight shape covered with silver, a serpent winding in relief all around, white buffalo horn mouthpiece with flattened bite.".


Période 1840 - 1850


GeneralHauteur11,6 cm
FourneauHauteur8,6 cm
Largeur5,6 cm
StemLongueur9,5 cm
Length total29 cm
Type de pipe tête de pipe
Forme de pipe cylindrique
Matérialécume de mer (en bloque) (pierre)
Couleurjaune marron
Other materialsargent (métal), corne de buffle (matière animale)
Dernière touche gemonteerd
Traces of use gerookt
Région internationaleEurope centrale
Région nationaleVienne (province)
Mark MM in liggend ovaal (meesterteken, ingeslagen, manchetplaat)
keurmerk + jaarcijfer 184. (ingeslagen manchetplaat)
herkeur ? (filtring, ingeslagen)
Statut juridique
Date 2011
Ancienne appartenance Groningen, Niemeyer Tabaksmuseum, 1966-2011, nr 415
Wenen, antiekhandelaar, 1966
Hermanuv Mestec, <1966
Sigarenmerk Cogétama brengt c. 1970 een serie van 24 sigarenbanden met diverse pijpen, deze pijpenkop is er één van.
Groningen, Niemeyer Tabaksmuseum, 1978-2010, verdieping.
Mechelen, Centrum voor Speelgoed en Volkskunde, tentoonstelling "Hij die geen pijpje roken kan", 15 november 1985 - 15 oktober 1986.

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