Numéro de la collection:

APM 17.115


pipes d'autres matériaux


pipe à tabac


hunting scene

Description :

Tobacco pipe in deer horn made from the jump of the antlers, the branches serve as a bowl and stem holder with a slightly funnel-shaped bowl, flat bottom and ascending stem. Bowl embossed on either side with a hunter in riding costume, top hat and whip on horseback with hounds attacking a deer, which is depicted on the front of the bowl, the scene in polished antlers against a dark background. Bowl bottom disc of antlers with a central cap as a moisture lock. Original flap lid with silver frame with wavy edge, in the center a disc of deer horn on which a reclining hunting dog. Silver stub holder with polygonal stem holder in which an original stem of deer horn with Diana as goddess of the hunt standing between two knots of antler in the stem with a bundle of arrows on the back, leaning on a bow, a dog at her feet, horn button mouth piece with eight knots.


Période 1820 - 1850


FourneauHauteur14 cm
Largeur6 cm
StemLongueur4,5 cm
Length total28 cm
Type de pipe tête de pipe
Forme de pipe en forme d'entonnoir
Matérialcorne de cerf (matière animale)
Other materialsargent (métal), corne de buffle (matière animale)
Dernière touche gemonteerd
Traces of use gerookt
Région internationaleEurope de l'Ouest
Région nationaleThuringe
FabriquantLeberecht Schulz
Statut juridique
Date 2003
Ancienne appartenance Utrecht, Bart Lankhorst, Douwe Egberts
Utrecht, Douwe Egberts Pijpenkamer, 1963-2003, nr 659
Zeist, G. de Kruijff, antiquair, 1960-1963
Zeist, collectie Henk van der Hoef, <1950-1960
Don Duco, Object van de maand. Amsterdam, 2001. juli 2003, nr 26. Beknopte bespreking van dit exemplaar.
J.H. Kruizinga, Er zijn pijpen en pijpen. Neerbosch, 1951. p 34. Dit exemplaar (op overzichtsfoto).
Utrecht, Douwe Egberts Pijpenkamer, permanente presentatie, grote vitrine, c. 1970-c. 1995.
Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet, permanente presentatie, voorkamer, kabinetkast, 2003-2013.
Amsterdam, Amsterdam Pipe Museum, permanente presentatie, voorkamer, kabinetkast, v.a. 2013.
Schoonhoven, Nederlands Zilvermuseum, tentoonstelling "Designed by Nature", 4 oktober 2018 - 10 juni 2019.

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