Numéro de la collection:

APM 16.475


pipes en bois


pipe à tabac


inscriptions of students

Description :

Tobacco pipe made of wood (loup) with flattened bag-shaped bowl, without heel and rising stem with stub. Along the bowl front and under the stem a line with "CURE MERIMER (?) STUD.JURIS. CURONUS.". Bowl and  stem engraved with names of persons. The interior of the bowl lined with press meerschaum. Stem of buffalo horn with flexible part (later date). Bowl left text: "C.GELAESER, N.ZIEGLER, J. KIENITZ, E. PROCH, C. BRINCKER, F. REICHWALD, O. RICHTER I II, MIRBACH, A. KUPFFER, J.WEUKIRCH, R. TILING, W TILING, J. SCHIEMANN, CV BECK, EW DAVID, BIDDER, G. DIEDERICHS, ROSENBRGH, KARPIENSKY, MEIJER .., JURGENSSEN, RAISON I II III IV, J. KALMEIJER, R CHULZ, KRUEGER I, II, BERG, STEUDING , JL BACH, FRIEDLIEB, H. BLAESE, KITTER, CV SACKEN (etc.)" further square in which two crossed swords and "CURONIA SEI S PANIER" and crossed swords with initials and "1829 JAN 3" and crossed pistols with initials and "1827 MY 28". Ditto bowl right: "O. WATSON, BEUTHNERR, C. TRAUWETTER, HOLTZHAUSEN, RUMEL I & II, EV RUMEL, BILTERLING I & II, PANTENIUS, HUEBSCHMANN, AV SCHMIDT, C. SCHIRMANN, E. HACSS, WALTER I & II, BLUMENTHAL, T. KUPPFER, A. BACH, C. WAEBER, C. HASSE, N. KADE, GILBERT, LG ZIMERMANN, WOLSKI, BOLSCHVINGGROTTHUSS, WILDE, HEYNE, GREGOIRE, BAUER, CONRADI, BALANDIN, UCKERMANN, GF GRIEBEL, SCHFEMIE, ENDERSENN, FW ZIMMERMANN, KRAJEWSKI, HENCKHUSEN, A. GOERTZ, E. NEANDER, V. HAHN I II, RAHDEN, (etc.) ".


Période 1825 - 1830


FourneauHauteur10 cm
Largeur6,5 cm
StemLongueur7 cm
Type de pipe tête de pipe
Forme de pipe forme de sac
Other materialsécume de mer (en bloque) (pierre)
Dernière touche gegraveerd
Traces of use gerookt
Région internationaleEurope de l'Ouest
Région nationaleBade-Wurtemberg
Statut juridique
Date 2002
Ancienne appartenance Parijs, veilinghuis Nouveau Drouot, lot 206
Mamy veronderstelt Heidelberg als plaats van gebruik.
André-Paul Bastien, La pipe. Paris, 1973. afb 88. Dit exemplaar.
André-Paul Bastien, Von der Schönheit der Pfeife. Munich, 1976. afb 89. Dit exemplaar. Bijschrift: Pistolen, gekreutzte Säbel und viele Signaturen: eine typische deutsche Studentenpfeife.
Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet, permanente presentatie, voorkamer, kabinetkast, 2002-2013.
Amsterdam, Amsterdam Pipe Museum, permanente presentatie, voorkamer, kabinetkast, v.a. 2013.

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