Numéro de la collection:

APM 15.092


pipes en porcelaine


pipe à tabac


cameo with male head with medium length hair

Description :

Tobacco pipe made of porcelain with empire shape consisting of a pentagonal pear shaped vase with pointed bottom formed by a button of three pentagons and ascending octagonal stem with narrow stub band. Bowl front an elevated oval with black background in which in biscuit a cameo representing a male head turned to the left with medium length hair and bust with garment weavers. Bowl painted green with on both sides a semi-circular savings field with bouquet of roses surrounded by leaves. Filt purple. Gilt on the edges and bottom button. Original brass valve cover with five-sided elevation and ball topped.


Période 1810 - 1825


FourneauHauteur9,5 cm
Largeur4,1 cm
StemLongueur5 cm
Type de pipe tête de pipe
Forme de pipe forme de vase
Matérialporcelaine (céramique)
Techniquecoulage de céramique
Other materialslaiton (métal)
Dernière touche glazuur, meerkleuren
Traces of use gerookt
Région internationaleEurope de l'Ouest
PaysFrance (?)
Statut juridique
Date 1996
Ancienne appartenance Parijs, collectie Bertrand Lazard, 1975-1996
Parijs, antiekwinkel rue de Boone, 1975
Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet, permanente presentatie, zaal, vitrine 7, v.a. 2001.

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