Museum number

APM L-9.592


Pijpelijntjes, informatief blad gewijd aan de kleipijp



Contribution in

Pijpelijntjes, informatief blad gewijd aan de kleipijp


Don Duco [independently], Amsterdam, Leiden, 1977


Kwartaalblad over kleipijpen, vervolg op "Nieuwsbulletin Pijpenkamer Icon"


Publication type tijdschrift (integraal)
Height 29 cm
Languages Dutch


Theme pijp
Material klei


A closer look at exhibition awards
Taxation to settle competition
A price list from 1873
Controversies on trademarks
The philanthropist of the Peace Palace
Robert Bon, a seventeenth-century pipe maker
Rouen as an example of the regional French pipe industry
Pipe clay figurines for schoolboys
An interesting archaeological drawing
Incorrect attributions of figural pipes
Pamplin pipes
The City Pipe Factory in Gouda
Pijpelijntjes, informatief blad gewijd aan de kleipijp
Duméril, Leurs Fils et Cie - A leading French pipe factory
An advertising design for Jan de Gidts
The history of the Gambier factory
Pipe makers in 's-Hertogenbosch
The Pipes of the Luo People
The whole Dam family
Adolph Rømer, a remarkable Danish pipe maker
Gouda's small-scale pipe business in the nineteenth century
A cess pit find from The Hague
Turkey as the centre of Eastern European pipe manufacturing
Where did the Gouda pipe makers live in 1674?
Alphen as a competitor of the Gouda pipe makers
Material, shape and decoration of the Gambier pipe
A pipe as a reminder of the revolution
An advertising brochure from the Goedewaagen and Son company
Forty years of speculation about Peter Dorni pipes
RAOB pipes

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