Support us
A museum, just like any other cultural institution, is a non-profit company that costs more money than it yields. Obviously there is income, from ticket sales, from the sale of books and picture postcards, the sale of souvenirs and in our case of modern pipes. But even with that, no profit is made. The museum activities of collecting, restoration and conservation, research and publishing create a structural budget deficit.
In general, the Dutch government invests heavily in culture, but not in the Amsterdam Pipe Museum; neither the government nor the city of Amsterdam subsidizes our museum. Amsterdam Pipe Museum manages the largest collection of smoking utensils and tobacco-related objects in the world, as well as a unique expertise in the history of smoking completely on its own account. It exists thanks to private contributions. Today, donations and gifts are more important than ever to our museum!
Amsterdam Pipe Museum appeals to the generosity and support of individuals and organisations. A gift, large or small, in cash or in kind, supports our activities, enriches the collection and keeps our activities accessible to anyone who wants to get acquainted with the rich culture behind the pipe. Make your contribution too!
Donate objects to the museum
If you have a tobacco-related object you are looking for a good destination for, you can donate it to the museum.
Click here for more information.
The Geefwet (Donation Act in Dutch legislation)
Amsterdam Pipe Museum is a foundation with the status of Cultural Charity (ANBI). As a donor, you therefore enjoy benefits from the Tax and Customs Administration. This is regulated in the so-called Donation Act (Geefwet).
This Donation Act offers the donor the advantage that he can deduct 125% of the value of the gift from the Income Tax. This provides a significant benefit to both the donor and the museum. Click here for a calculation example to see how that works.
Companies subject to corporate tax can also make use of the Donation Act and may even deduct 150% of the amount of the gift in the corporate tax return.
For more information, please contact Mr. B.R. Goes, secretary of the board via or by telephone +31-20-4211779.
Bank details
Donations can be transferred stating 'donation + year' to:
Stichting Pijpenkabinet, Amsterdam
Bank: ING Bank
IBAN-number: NL07 INGB 0003 1040 88
Chamber of Commerce-number: NL-41197650
VAT nr. NL0088.81.376.B.01

The museum has the ANBI status (public benefit institution) since 1989, and has been registered as a Cultural ANBI since 2001.
Tax number to be used for periodic donations with tax deduction (the RSIN): 088.81.376
None of the board members of the Pijpenkabinet Foundation receive any renumeration or other payment for their work. They do this on a voluntary basis, so for Charity.
The employees, whether they work as a tour guide or behind the scenes in the office, are not paid either. They are all volunteers. All income of the Foundation is therefore spent on the goal: maintaining and expanding the collection and publishing research and knowledge on our website.
Amsterdam Pipe Museum already has the support of Cultural Funds as: