The Dutch Clay Tobacco Pipe
manual for dating and determination
Original title: De Nederlandse kleipijp, handboek voor dateren en determineren
D.H. Duco
For over three centuries the clay tobacco pipe has been a popular smokers requisite. The variety in shape and decoration is almost unlimited. In this book the author, curator of the Amsterdam Pipe Museum, the renowned connoisseur of the material in Holland, gives a profound and overall review of the historical development of the pipe. The book starts with some introductory chapters: the earliest history of smoking, the techniques of pipe making, an outline of the main shapes of the clay tobacco pipe and the different qualities.

An important part of the book is dedicated to the development of the pipe shape from the late sixteenth century till the beginning of the twentieth century. Next to the evolution of the Gouda pipe bowl the characteristics of the regional shapes are presented. Also the pipe maker's marks and the phenomenon of the quality mark including the mould mark are being discussed. Also a survey on the decorations on the clay tobacco pipes is presented, from the oldest examples till about 1900.

In the last part of the book pays attention to the possibilities of dating the pipes. By analyzing step by step the various aspects of the clay tobacco pipe, the author presents a complete new way of dating and determination of the finds, the so called deductive method.

The publication is illustrated with over 800 photos and drawings, that give a representative view on the appearance of the clay tobacco pipe. For this reason the book is also a practical instrument for the collector and the archaeologist.
The author is rewarded with an award for his pioneering scientific merits presented in this book by the Royal Dutch Academy of Science in 1988.
In combination with the recent "bible" for the pipe research The Gouda pipe makers, their marks and ordinances (2003), the handbook forms the ideal combination for study and reference.
Publisher: Amsterdam Pipe Museum, Pijpenkabinet Foundation, Amsterdam, 1987
ISBN 90-70849-13-5
160 pages, 25 x 17,5 cm, softcover, English summary
666 drawings, 61 photos
Price € 50 (excluding P&P)